How to Protect Local Market from Competitors: Scooter-Sharing Business

Sharing Business Insights
Sharing business

Today, we will talk about how to protect your local market from large multinational companies that come and provide their scooters to users.

Tier sharing business

Steps to win over competitors in transport sharing

You know that the numerous scooters your competitors have are their advantage. How to compete with someone who has a wider fleet of vehicles than you?

Okai scooters

Monitor the technical condition of the transport

First, people on the street choose a scooter based on two criteria. The first is an application that can be downloaded in one click and used immediately. The second is the quality of transport. If the scooter is in good technical condition, users will pick it up, even if they are asked to download the application.

Therefore, an essential part of your business should be taking care of the quality of scooters and keeping them in a tidy condition. Establish a separate procedure for checking scooters before releasing them on the street. If your vehicle is clean, tidy, and performs flawlessly, you are already outperforming the competition.

Scooters for sharing business

Use the street as the face of your brand

It is essential to mention that the street is the face of your brand. If your technicians are working with vehicles in the field and wearing home clothes without any logos on the uniform, people around will not even notice that the scooters belong to your brand.

If your transport is decorated in brand colors, and the uniform of technicians is stylish, bright and overalls sewn specifically for them, people will definitely pay attention to them. This works perfectly for memorization and recognition because your employees on the street are a walking advertisement for transport sharing. Future customers will remember the catchy shades of the brand and the fact that the transport is professionally serviced by your team.

People want to be closer to something bright and pleasant, so set aside a budget to purchase professional uniforms for your employees. Any of their outings is an advertisement for the brand.

Organize customer support

Big players have one weak spot: customer support. As a rule, they try to distance themselves from their users due to a lot of appeals. They introduce chatbots, use various tools such as FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), and offer to write to them by mail.

On the contrary, you can try to be as close as possible to the client and organize a call center that will process customer requests, award them bonus points, and help deal with transport problems.

We often hear the stories of large corporations, when a client is disappointed, a clot of resentment against the company is already growing inside them for lack of attention. You can be just the brand that will comfort this user and lure them to you.

app for sharing business

Launch the application with the linked card

Users should have your app with cards attached to it.

To do this, you can organize local events where you will either teach something, or it will be competitions with electric vehicles. During it, you will install the application on the users’ smartphones, link their cards, and create mechanics so that visitors decide to install your application.

So you can be on equal footing with BOLT, for example. Their taxi users get the BOLT scooter app at the same time. This gives them a big advantage over local sharing.


Create a free unlock subscription

An important tool in the fight against big competitors is a subscription. It should be cheap, like $ 1 a month. This subscription allows you to unlock the scooter for free and pay only for the rental minutes. In this scenario, paying for each unlock separately will not be profitable for the client.

Every time a person rides our scooter, they save money. The more they ride, the more they save.

In addition, this increases loyalty to your brand, because if a person has already bought a subscription from you, they will open your application first. So try to sell the subscription as cheaply as possible and enable it to renew every month. Then the client will always have free starts.

Simplify your site

Some transport-sharing brands make the following mistake: they develop a beautiful site with design innovations.

This is all superfluous: a person visits the site only to download the application or view the lease agreement. Therefore, you need the simplest site: for downloading the application and posting legal information.

Choose Social Networks

TikTok & Instagram work best, as emotional short messages are best conveyed there.

The very use of a scooter is charged with positive emotions: joy, high from traveling, mobility, and youth. These messages are very well received just on TikTok and Instagram, so stop running other social networks, focus on these two and maintain a dialogue with users there.


Host an event

In order to protect yourself from multinational companies and win their competition, you have a great advantage: you know your city. You are able to organize an event better than a multinational company.

Organize an EV ride day and do it under your brand. You will be surprised how many people will come on this day because now electric transport is not just wheels for movement, it is a lifestyle. Fans will come to events where your scooters will be presented. You will be able to teach people how to ride your vehicle, install an application for them, and give bonus codes so that they link their cards.

Organize an event like Electric Vehicle Day: this is the surest way to protect your local market from big companies.

Negotiate with local businesses

Another advantage that a large corporation sometimes overlooks is the interaction with local businesses.

Such negotiations are rather painstaking work. You need to go from door to door and discuss all the conditions. Companies that give their employees some kind of bonus are very suitable for cooperation. Offer their employees to ride scooters for a discounted price or special conditions, and then you will have loyal users who are interested in your brand.

Let’s summarize.

If you take good care of the quality of your scooters and their cleanliness, you are guaranteed to win the big brand, as it is much more difficult for them to keep track of the fleet condition. Don’t forget to dress your employees in colorful logo uniforms to create free publicity on the streets.

Do not spend money on developing a multi-level site, rather invest it in social networks and an application to which you can link cards. Add to this a subscription to unlock the transport. Be sure to take care of quality customer support. Organize an event in the city and attract local businesses to your brand.

Today we talked about how to protect your local market from large multinational corporations. We hope that you have drawn ideas for yourself, you are inspired, and now you can defend your market, take a strong position in it, and make money from it.

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